The emergence of classicality from causation




Perimeter Institute, Canada & Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, UK

January 22, 2025 12:30 PM

I'll show how quantum causal influences (as defined by quantum causal models) can explain the emergence of the classical world. This will involve reformulating quantum theory in an observer-independent fashion by positing that causal structure is fundamental, and that events emerge out of it by striking a "causal balance". Time permitting, I'll reflect on some possible connections with SBS states, with the hope of stimulating discussions and collaborations between those working on causation and those working on SBS states.

This is a hybrid event:
Room D, the Institute of Physics PAS, Al. Lotników 32/46

Online: Zoom Link, (Passcode: 134595, Meeting ID: 823 8038 0442)