Instytut Niskich Temperatur i Badań Strukturalnych PAN we Wrocławiu
Szanowni Państwo,
uprzejmie zawiadamiam, że we wtorek 26 października 2021
o godzinie 14:00 na seminarium w formie zdalnej,
za pośrednictwem platformy Zoom,
Prof. dr hab. Dariusz Kaczorowski z
Instytutu Niskich Temperatur i Badań Strukturalnych PAN we Wrocławiu
wygłosi referat p.t:
Mixed singlet-septet Cooper pairing in half-Heusler superconductors
Streszczenie referatu i instrukcję połączenia się z transmisją seminarium
znajdą państwo poniżej.
Przypominam następujące ważne informacje:
* Seminarium ma unikalny identyfikator spotkania Zoom i hasło, które
wszyscy uczestnicy otrzymają w zawiadomieniu.
* Mikrofon i kamera wideo uczestnika są domyślnie wyciszone/wyłączone. W
razie potrzeby można samemu wyłączyć wyciszenie.
* Można zadawać pytania, wirtualnie podnosząc rękę, po czym gospodarz
sesji włączy mikrofon, lub po referacie. Po zadaniu pytania proszę
pamiętać o ponownym wyciszeniu dźwięku.
* Proszę okazać prelegentowi taki sam szacunek jak zwykle osobiście,
włączając w to punktualność na seminarium.
* Zostaniecie państwo poinformowani na początku spotkania, jeśli
seminarium jest nagrywane.
Dear All,
We kindly inform you that on Tuesday, October 26, at 2 PM on remote
access, Zoom transmitted seminar,
Professor Dariusz Kaczorowski
from the Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of
Polish Academy of Sciences in Wrocław, Poland
will give a lecture on:
Mixed singlet-septet Cooper pairing in half-Heusler superconductors
The abstract and Zoom link data are enclosed below.
Please note the following important information:
* The seminar has a unique Zoom meeting-ID and password that all
registered participants receive by email.
* Participant's audio and video is muted by default. You may unmute when
* You can ask questions by raising your hand virtually after which a host
will unmute your microphone or after the talk. Please make sure to mute
the audio again once you have asked your question.
* Please show the same respect to the speaker as you would normally do in
person, including being on time for the seminar.
* We will inform you at the beginning if the talk is being recorded.
Aleksander Wittlin
Streszczenie wykładu Abstract of the talk
Mixed singlet-septet Cooper pairing in half-Heusler superconductors
Dariusz Kaczorowski
Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of
Sciences, ul. Okólna 2, 50-422 Wrocław, Poland
In the ordinary picture of superconductivity, electrons with spin s = 1/2
form Cooper pairs whose spin structure is singlet (S = 0) or triplet (S =
1). However, when the electronic structure near the Fermi level is
characterized by fermions with angular momentum j = 3/2, e.g., due to
strong spin-orbit interaction, novel pairing states such as even-parity
quintet (J = 2) and odd-parity septet (J = 3) are allowed. Prime
candidates for such exotic pairing are half-Heusler compounds, which
exhibit unconventional superconducting properties [1-4]. Recently, we have
shown that superconductivity in the non-centrosymmetric bismuthide LuPdBi
can be described by a mixture of isotropic even-parity singlet and
anisotropic odd-parity septet pairing, whose ratio can be tuned by
electron irradiation [5]. By means of magnetotransport and penetration
depth measurements, we found that carrier concentrations and impurity
scattering both increase with irradiation, resulting in a nonmonotonic
change of the superconducting gap structure. Our findings shed new light
on our fundamental understanding of unconventional superconducting states
in topological materials.
[1] O.Pavlosiuk, D.Kaczorowski, and P.Wiśniewski, "Shubnikov-de-Haas
oscillations, weak antilocalization effect and large linear
magnetoresistance in the putative topological superconductor LuPdBi", Sci.
Rep. 5, 9158 (2015).
[2] O.Pavlosiuk, D.Kaczorowski, and P.Wiśniewski, "Superconductivity and
Shubnikov-de-Haas oscillations in the noncentrosymetric half-Heusler
compound YPtBi", Phys. Rev. B 94, 035130 (2016).
[3] O.Pavlosiuk, D.Kaczorowski, X.Fabreges, A.Gukasov, and P.Wiśniewski,
"Antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in the half-Heusler semimetal
HoPdBi", Sci. Rep. 6, 18797 (2016).
[4] M.M.Hosen, G.Dhakal, K.Dimitri, H.Choi, F.Kabir, C.Sims, O.Pavlosiuk,
P.Wiśniewski, T.Durakiewicz, J.-X.Zhou, D.Kaczorowski, and M.Neupane,
"Observation of Dirac state in half-Heusler material YPtBi", Sci. Rep. 10,
12343 (2020).
[5] K.Ishihara, T.Takenaka, Y.Miao, Y.Mizukami, K.Hashimoto, M.Yamashita,
M.Konczykowski, R.Masuki, M.Hirayama, T.Nomoto, R.Arita, O.Pavlosiuk,
P.Wiśniewski, D.Kaczorowski, and T.Shibauchi, "Tuning the parity mixing of
singlet-septet pairing in a half-Heusler superconductor", Phys. Rev. X
(2021), in print.
IP PAS is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Seminarium Fizyki Materii Skondensowanej IF PAN
The Zoom channel opens 30 minutes before the talk start.
The first seminar: Oct 5, 2021 13:30 Warsaw
Every week on Tue, until Feb 22, 2022, 21 occurrence(s)
Oct 19, 2021 13:30
Oct 26, 2021 13:30
Nov 2, 2021 13:30
Nov 9, 2021 13:30
Nov 16, 2021 13:30
Nov 23, 2021 13:30
Nov 30, 2021 13:30
Dec 7, 2021 13:30
Dec 14, 2021 13:30
Dec 21, 2021 13:30
Dec 28, 2021 13:30
Jan 4, 2022 13:30
Jan 11, 2022 13:30
Jan 18, 2022 13:30
Jan 25, 2022 13:30
Feb 1, 2022 13:30
Feb 8, 2022 13:30
Feb 15, 2022 13:30
Feb 22, 2022 13:30
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