Confined exciton-polaritons for integrated quantum technologies




Center for Theoretical Physics PAS

December 11, 2024 12:30 PM

This talk will present results on exciton-polariton systems, focusing on their potential for integrated photonic and quantum technologies. The first part presents advances in perovskite-based polaritonic circuits. Using a novel template-assisted method, fabrication of waveguiding perovskite microstructures with complex geometries is demonstrated. Non-resonant stimulation yields polariton lasing at waveguide edges and corners, with high coherence across the polariton condensate. Theoretical and numerical analysis of polariton states that give rise to peculiar interference patterns will be presented.

The second part delves into quantization of exciton-polaritons in confined semiconductor structures, focusing on strong light-matter coupling in dielectric environments. The interplay of confinement and light-matter coupling is analyzed in detail. We propose nanostructures in which many-body effects such as quantum polariton blockade could be observed in realistic conditions.

This is a hybrid event:
Room D, the Institute of Physics PAS, Al. Lotników 32/46

Online: Zoom Link, (Passcode: 134595, Meeting ID: 823 8038 0442)