Konkurs na stanowisko stypendysty/ki-doktoranta/ki

Competition for the position
of PhD student fellowship at the Center for Theoretical Physics

The Director of the Center for Theoretical Physics PAS invites applications for one PhD
student fellowship at the CTP PAS, financed from the project PRELUDIUM BIS ‘Studies
of Spectrum Broadcast Structures in Quantum Open Systems Models’ financed from
National Science Center (registration No. 2023/50/O/ST2/00630). PI of the project is Dr hab.
Jarosław Korbicz.
We are looking for a candidate with a solid theoretical knowledge of quantum
mechanics and enthusiastic about working on quantum foundations and quantum
information theory. The main task within the project is to conduct theoretical investigations
of advanced forms of quantum-to-classical transition and decoherence such as Spectrum
Broadcast Structures and quantum Darwinism in various open systems models and write a
doctoral thesis based on them. The project starts on 2025-01-15 with the duration of 4
years. Details of the project can be found under the link:
http://warsaw4phd.eu/en/candidates/research-projects/, tab Center for Theoretical Physics

The application must include:
1. The scientific CV, including the progress in the university studies, scientific
achievements (publications, participation in research projects and conferences), with the
clause "I agree to the processing of my personal data contained in the application
documents for the purposes necessary for the implementation of the process recruitment
by the doctoral school Warsaw-4-PhD".
2. Motivation letter.
3. A copy of the master's degree diploma (by 2025-01-06)
4. Copies of documents confirming scientific or professional achievements.
5. Two letters of recommendation from a researcher with at least a PhD degree,
concerning the candidate and his/her current scientific activity.
The application should be submitted electronically via the recruitment system at
http://www.warsaw4phd.eu between 2024-12-19 and 2025-01-06. If you have any
questions, please send an e-mail to rekrutacja@cft.edu.pl.
Interviews of candidates are held: from 2025-01-27 to 2025-01-30 . Candidates will be
informed electronically of the results of the competition. The scholarship (around 4600
PLN per month) will be awarded in accordance with Annex No. 2 to the Regulations on
the Allocation of Funds for Tasks Financed by the National Science Centre in the Scope of
Research Projects, as specified in Resolution No. 50/2023 of the NCN Council dated 11

May 2023, and based on the provisions of the Act of 20 July 2018 on Higher Education
and Science.
The planned start date for enrollment in the Doctoral School and the
commencement of scholarship payments is 01.03.2025.